
Welcome to my website that features many of my hand tied patterns that I have used in my fishing guide service on the Main Stem of the Upper Delaware River for over twenty years.

The fish that we target on this magnificent river are all wild - rainbows and browns - and can reach upwards to 24 inches.

The scale of this river is akin to those rivers in the Rockies - big.

For the most part, I use a McKenzie driftboat to get anglers to the most productive water since public access to the river is few and far between and there are many areas where the road is miles away from the river valley making access by car very difficult.

It's worth the effort however.

The wild rainbows fight like salmon and a 16 inch fish will whack an emerger in the fast riffles and take you down your backing real quick. At dusk, the slighest dimple on the surface of the water might yield a fat 22 inch brown on top inhaling a Snowshoe Rusty Spinner.

My daily river fishing blog can be accessed here and articles about my guide service along with this great resource can be accessed here.

I will add more flies throughout the winter months of 2016.

All of my hand tied flies are provided to my fishing clients free of charge since I want YOU to have the best success on your river fishing trip and hatches will change throughout the spring, summer and fall.

Depending on the size of fly, the diameter of the tippet size should compliment the size of the fly and your leader should be at least nine feet long with about two feet of tippet material. A general rule is usually: Flies size 18 through 22: 6x / Flies size 14 through 16: 5x / Flies size 10 through 14: 4 or 5x.

My flies are also for sale as well.
Samples can be found here and here as well as on this website.

Simply contact me by email, text or voice if you have any questions. References from satisfied customers are available and, yes, these flies produce not only on the Upper Delaware River and Catskill streams but have fooled wild trout all over the world!

Thank you for visiting and tight lines...I'll see you on the river!
Tony Ritter
Licensed Guide: NPS; NYS DEC; PA FBC
Re-elected: Town of Tusten Councilman (through 2019)
Chairman; Upper Delaware Council - Water Use Resource Management
Trustee: Catskill Flyfishing Center and Musem; Livingston Manor, NY

The old guide pictured with the same boat he's had for 22 years.
It's a L-A-V-R-O   ><}}}>
